
I have just been listening to song by Dafydd Iwan called Can yr Ysgol, the song is about kids living their lives through the medium of the welsh language and then going to school and being taught through the medium of English. 

Today there is Welsh medium education so there is a consistancy in the lives of children they get to use the language in school and at in their daily lives but before this the situation existed like it did in my day where we used one language to live by but were 'educated' through the medium of English, Taking other things into consideraton it is no wonder that I a many more did not do well when it came to being tested on what we had learnt I guess

I wish I had been taught through the medium of welsh but the attitude to the language was different when I was growing up to what it is now I think there is a more positive approach to the language an culture though there is a long way to go I think especially when you read about some of the bigotry and ignrance on the social media.

I am writing this in English, due to the the english 'education' I guess I was taught to write better in english than I was in Welsh I suppose though its not too late for me to get proficient in writing Welsh I guess, I had better get practising. 


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