
The annual village fair is on today but not as usual as the stupid council have blocked the road so the buses can't pass through or other vehicles which is causing a lot of inconvenience the road has never been closed  before apparetly its something to do with health and safety.

People were not able to go to college or work or appointments due to the council's cock up, they needed to consult with the people before marching in with their size 10 and fucking everything up, I understand about kids being near moving cars but the speed limit has been dropped and it only works if that road is open they have tried to move the fair in the past but it was allowed to stay where it has always been

I hope the traders ask gwynedd counci for their money back as they lost trade due to the cancelled buses. 

It is vital the buses are allowed through to bring customers for this once a year event I did have a go at the council worker which probably was not smart as the would only dig his heels in but its a mess anyway and it probably was not down to him but some idiot in a suit.

I eventually got to the dentist a month after the fair was held and a filling was put in but the dentist says the tooth will need to come out eventually as it is not a strong tooth, its ok at the moment I have a an appointment at the end of the month so she can check it out then, I hope the appontment is in the big room aagain and not in the the small pokey one I have had since going there the big room is nice and spacey and does make it easier to go to the dentist 

TThe appointment will not be on a date where the new bus service will have started , but who knows in reality when that will be.

Cchristmas and all that is gone now for another year, its stressful time of year really and come round too quickly these days but I guess it was a good thing it went on this year as it haleped me reconnect with some family members 


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