
Showing posts from November, 2023

Tim Evans

On this day in 1924 Timothy John Evans was born, he was hanged for the murder for of his child Euan McCall wrote a song called the balled of Timothy Evans about the he was hanged and that it was a miscarriage of justice and that it was Christie who was a murderer a necrophiliac Evans was said to not very bright.  These seems to be a lot of people who might not be too bright who have been convicted of a crime that someone else more intellectual and devious might have committed which believe happened here few years ago and others believe the same   A young girl was murdered here about 10 years ago on the way home from the pub and a halfwit is now serving a life sentence for this murder many believe he is not the murderer but the pressure for conviction in such a small community is massive so they needed someone and his halfwit was an easy target. The criminial justice of no country is perfect but getting rid of the death penalty is probably a step in the right direction as any m...

non alcoholic beer

Some might say what is the point in the alcohol free beer, in the way you have the 'rotten' taste of beer and you don't get the buzz of alcohol, it just seems a completely stupid thing to buy, you might aswell drink something that has no alcohol that you enjoy drinking, a coffee or milkshake I guess. All beer is not nasty tasting these real ales that are made in these small breweries are very nice tasting alcohol or no alcohol but I would not buy one without the alcohol as I think the alcohol adds to the nice taste I reckon, so I guess we are nowhere near a reason why someone would buy a non alcoholic beer. Well there might be one reason for buying one I guess, like if you did not want the hastle of people asking you why are you not drinking  or hastling to have one if you are driving so I guess these drinks cut down the risk of drink driving in one way. I suppose what you are doing is fooling people if they have not seen you buying the drink


I have just been listening to song by Dafydd Iwan called Can yr Ysgol, the song is about kids living their lives through the medium of the welsh language and then going to school and being taught through the medium of English.  Today there is Welsh medium education so there is a consistancy in the lives of children they get to use the language in school and at in their daily lives but before this the situation existed like it did in my day where we used one language to live by but were 'educated' through the medium of English, Taking other things into consideraton it is no wonder that I a many more did not do well when it came to being tested on what we had learnt I guess I wish I had been taught through the medium of welsh but the attitude to the language was different when I was growing up to what it is now I think there is a more positive approach to the language an culture though there is a long way to go I think especially when you read about some of the bigotry and ignran...


The annual village fair is on today but not as usual as the stupid council have blocked the road so the buses can't pass through or other vehicles which is causing a lot of inconvenience the road has never been closed  before apparetly its something to do with health and safety. People were not able to go to college or work or appointments due to the council's cock up, they needed to consult with the people before marching in with their size 10 and fucking everything up, I understand about kids being near moving cars but the speed limit has been dropped and it only works if that road is open they have tried to move the fair in the past but it was allowed to stay where it has always been I hope the traders ask gwynedd counci for their money back as they lost trade due to the cancelled buses.  It is vital the buses are allowed through to bring customers for this once a year event I did have a go at the council worker which probably was not smart as the would only dig his heels i...


I am off to an open mic night soon with a few friends to play some songs, it will be a change from playing down the local pub most weeks anyway and I will be able to see how an open mic is run and can hopefully set one up, in the local pub  I have a rough idea how to do it but its better to go along and see for myself thery seem to have become very popular since in the finish of the lockdowns, there is probably a circuit in the area where I guess the same people play the circuit.  Hopeuflly setting up an open mic will mean more people come along to the pub and it would be good to meet new musicians and see if there is a buddy superstar in the area, I am not too sure how people get recognised but I guess open mics are a good a way as any to get yourself seen and heard  In the past I have been to a place where everyone has a turn at playing a song I don't think that is an open mic night its more of a folk round night where people just took a turn at playing a song acoustica...

special unit

    I saw an interesting sign today it said 'special unit' being built by the housing association, apparently this special unit is a property for a mother and ten children, it shows how times have changed in the past there was nothing speical about a family with 10 kids and many large families did not need a speical unit they were brought up in a two up two down.  All I can assume that this is being designed for them as they have no extended family in the area, though I am sure there are a few fathers around  The other properties are just you bog standard two bedroomed and three bedroomed I did think of applying for one but it would involve me moving to another town. Large famillies don't seem quite as common these days as they were in years gone by its probably due to contraception its easier to manage how many children there are now I guess abortion is more acceptable these days too  i| am no fan of aborrtion it really a child of mine got aborted its some...

Electric buses

Well it seems like the new electric bus service might be actually here sooner than later, as they are stopping a service temporarily to a village due to the fact that this new service will serve it my assumption righty or wrongly is that means it won't be too long before it starts but then again they have messed up so many times I could be worng so I guess we will just have to wait as usual  I probably should try to relax regarding this service but its been tough trying to use this lockdown schedule especially if you have appointment and trying to get people to work with this restricted service, the one before the lockdown was a lot easier to work with . As I have said before it was a lot easier to get out in the evening that it is now   We now have a new timeline for the start of the service of the electric bus, there is a day in February, the 9th apparently when you can go and have a look at one of these new buses, the electric ones and the service is suppose to start accord...


It is dry again today and so it possible to go out so I went shopping on the bus as usual though I could not stay out long as this afternoon somone is coming to inspect the living room walls which have developed damp recently and look unsightly especially if it has been raining and its not very good for my health either. I don't hold out much hope that much will be done in relation to the damp and I will have to keep using the dehumidifier and to airate the place as much as I can.  The building is very old so it is now not up to copign with the amount of rain we get round here these days    Well that was a waste of fucking time the bastard never showed up. apparently they did turn up but were early and I was out I missed them by few minutes and they had left a card which had blown away so I did not get to find out that they had been so sat here like a lemon all afternoon