T22 Blaenau ffestiniog to Porthmadog bus fiasco

 A bus service was introduced round here in 2021 to accommodate the lockdown, before the lockdwon there was an hourly service here which got rudeced to nearly nothing in the first lockdown and then some buses were added, which is where we are today a skeleton service which is in place a long time after any lockdown was in in place. 

This service hampeers people's ability to move around especially during the evening when the schedule stops very early which obviously hampers business.There was suppose to be a new bus service starting 19 months to take the place of the lockdown schedule but due to issues such as nimbyism and other things it is yet to start I rang today for a starting date nothing was forthcoming so this service may or may not start in the future there was not even a rough idea of when this fiasco of the introduction of this service was going end.

The pavement parking in the village here has gone nuts since the pandemic and I think this is as a result of the shit bus schedule I will not call it a service as it is not a service it does not qualify as one its a schedule of random buses that fullfills the bare minimum 

I have been trying for months to get some clariry on the situation I think some polliticians have to but nothing is forthcoming I have never seen anything like it its an absolute farce.I am not too sure how many it affects as I only talk to few people.  if it does not happen I will have to try to find somewhere else to live I guess as I can't cope with being hampered by this rubbish I am used to having an hourly bus service.

For some reason the local tesco has closed an exit point out  of the shop which is another stupid idea, ironically there is a sign inside they want to improve the store


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