
I rent this place from a housing association which used to be the council but the silly residents voted for it to become a housing association and they are paying for now the rent goes up a lot faster than under the council

This assoc sent me a text a few weeks ago about an inspection on the 19 then sent another one for an inspection on the 25 I had to assume they had changed the date as there was no explantion they sent me another for the 31st this time I rang for an explantion they are so ignorant 

There is a page on facebook called adra horror stories which is popular.  For this inspection they did not give me a time of day I have asked for one but I just might get a random text again about another date they are bunch of clowns really I would leave but its not easy to find a good rental place for a decent amount of money these days.  This place is not decent but the rent is affordable.

I am still feeing washed out after the covid and I still have a cough, I am sure a bit more rest and I will be sorted well hopefully anyway   


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