
 I went and did the stint in the foodbank today and the new shelves had arrived the place needs sorting out now as everything is all over the place.  There was also and unwanted guest there today a bird had flown in and did not wan to leave. I left them to it I had idea how to get it out of there,  The problem is the door are wide open and this is the second one now in a matter of months the doors will have to kept closed from now on as its a bit of a nuisance.  The last time one was in there it shat all over the place I really don't want to be the one who has to clean the mess up tomorrow as hopefully it will be waiting to leave in the morning when someone goes in.

The weather was appauling today nothing like it was a year ago wwhen the restrictions started it was the best spring I had ever seen. By today;s weather there was going to be no repeat and the forcast is saying the same though a lot of shit comes from those people.

It seems some are having a tougher time with the vaccine than others its a big sacrifice people are doing injecting themselves with this thing I really hope the fucker works or it will have been all in vain.  

This was read out by microsoft edge today it is really funny having your blog post read out


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