
 So half of us will miss some aspects of this lockdon thing aparently, well I guess I will be in the half that does, I will mis the peace and quiet on the roads. And just the peace in the house due to that I have tried to make sure it lasts a bit by adding some stone outside the window i doubt it will help much though

The weather is ok today not raining at the mment , I have just got back from a walk round the block.  There seems to be a lot more traffic around I am not too sure if the people who are on the road are supposed to be here I suspect not, some think the rules that are given out don't apply to them or maybe don't understand it has become a bit difficult these days I am not too sure the rules are to do with the virus or politics it seems to have gotten mixed up which maybe be symptom again of poor management of the virus which has occured here sadly.

The vaccine symptoms are better today which is good I am not looking forward to the next one though but i have a bit to wait and maybe it won;t be so bad


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