horrible weather

 |It is an appauling day weather wise, it has been at all day raining and blowing a gail it makes it hard to get about so I hae not bothered as yet. it sounds vile out there. apparently it is gojng to be here for a couple of days which is not good especially in these circomstances of the restrictions 

Apparently the restricitons are going to be changed on friday but it seems to be quite confusing what is going to happen which has been the theme of the way these admins have dealt with the situttion they don't seem to have gotten any better as the time goes on they were slow and have remained slow.  The vaccine is being given out quite quickly though and I should be called soon enough though I am still a bit un sure about having it as I don't see anyone to get this thing anyway.

When the restriciotns are lifted it will be a bitter sweet thing i will be glad to get back to the way things were except for the traffic I have not missed the noise of the traffic rummbling through the walls 

 I hope the place is not taken over by tourists as it was last year they were all over the bloody place which is hard as you have not had them for a long time then you get more its just a crazy time really and it will take couple of years to sort itself out and get a balance I guess though some might fuck off over seas this year this is not a great place to have a summer holiday the weather is not very good no gurarantee sunshise like there is in other countries 

I had about my fourth visit today in the last year from someone wanting to sort the tv out which was she had to wear a mask which is sad as she is pretty 


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