wasted journey

I went for a nice swim in a lake about a mile away above the village yesterday its nice to be able to have a whole lake to yourself though the bottom of this lake is a bit muddy really and so it best to only just swim in the water and not try to stand in it though its not that deep and its easy to touch the bottom.   There use to be a golf course there and the lake is apparently full of golf balls but I did not go and look for them really I did not swim that far out really.

I had a bit of wasted journey today to the opticians they were running half an hour late so I could not get the appointment as I did  not want to miss the bus as I was a bit uncomfortable again and did not fancy hanging around Dolgellau for two hours as there is a not a lot of things going on there.  Sesiwn fawr is on this weekendc but it had not started when I was there.

I am being messed about by the dwp again they said I was going to have a medical thingy on monday then rang to cancel a couple of hours later thing is just going on and on and its doing my head in.  There was some rain today hopefully its only for  today it has been the best summer weather wise which I have ever seen around here they reckon there was a good one in 1976 but I have no recollection I have been away from here a while but I really can't recall a nice summer like this here.


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