nice day

The bus service round here is getting worse this morning the bus I wanted had gone early which is absolutely useless and this afternoon it was really late and I gave up so did not get to where I wanted to, it was not important I guess but it would have been nice to have got there I guess I will try again tomorrow.   Maybe I should probably move where I am not so reliant on poor public  transport.

I had a chat with someone about this reunion and how the college were the best days of my life which I guess is a saying school or college are the best days of your life but in my case it was the only place I was happy and its bit depressing to think that is the only amount of happiness that I am going to get in my life which it might me as we all know how unfair life can be and how random it is and how short it is which I probably a good thing in the end.  Maybe there is another life where one feels a bit lighter and not so heavy all the time who knows I guess I will have to wait and see I do not dred the coming the death it is part of life a part we learn about very early in our existance and therefore need to get used to it which is easier in this fine weather we are having anyway.

There is a problem with the travel to the reunion if I come back on a sunday its a horrible journey with a lot of changes monday is easier but I have to book a ticket soon and decide which obvously if I stay a day longer it will cost more and maybe everyone will have left by then not that I am not used to my own company far from it.


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