
I am still having problems with the DWP but maybe not as much as other folk who seem to be being compelled to work for they meagre job seekers allowance compelled to work for nothing so they are being exploited by companies in the name of work experience.  Work experience is a good thing if it helps someone find a job and it gives people the flexibility of trying things out but claiments should not be made to work for their benefits.  Its hard enough being on benefits never mind being exploited by the government and companies

I probably need to find out more about this racket before I can tell people who are on it to seek more advice.  The people who I know who are on it are probably a bit naive and I would hate to think they are being taken advantage of by the DWP.

No one turned up for the foodbank again I guess it will be like that for the rest of the summer I need to find alternative voluntary work really its not that easy it seems


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