
I am beginning to wish I had not turned on the telly this mornng as it mentioned a condtion I have that can turn into cancer but I guess at least the story concentrated on the fact that it can be detected with some light or something but it means me having to go and have another one of those cameras down my throat at some point I guess.

Well the snow has been interesting this week suppose but I guess the main thing I remember about it is the fact that I was able to help my cousin sort out here frozen boiler.  There was a post on facebook from a plumber telling people how to get their boiler back working again if it wasn't and the reason it might have been not working is the fact that the outside pipe had frozen over and that all you needed to do was to pour hot water over the pipe and the water would flow through again, well my cousin did this and she was grateful for the tip.  I guess facebook is good for something and it rekindled my faith in human nature that the plumber gave this advice on the social media platform they could have easily cashed in on the problem and gone round all day just unblocking pipes but fair play to the plumbers.  I left my water on all night as I was worried the pipes might freeze over and did not want to be frozen stiff here I have other issues as it is.

The snow is still quite thick outside but the sun is out now so I guess that will get rid of it too and then there will be floods I guess.  It has been nice to have the peace and quiet of the reduced traffic for the last few days but like most good things it will come to and end and I guess that will be today.

I have a tough task ahead I need to record a guitar part which I am not too confident at doing but will give it a go anyway It incolves tryng to play reggae guitar.  This is for a collaborative project with a couple friends. i think the guitar part is just a way shoe horning me into the track somehow but it will be fun to have a go I guess.


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