
I have had tinnitus for a long time nearly 30 years now its mainly in my left year and it started I believe due to medication but I am not too sure.  Today it is really bad for some reason I think it gets worse with stress.  The main issue is that its a distraction it makes it hard to concentrate on things sometimes and makes it hard to hear things sometimes in fact its horrible really but | guess it will be here until the day |I day as they are usless in relation to helping or finding a cure. I gues it could be worse I could have it in both sides though on one side is bad enough. 

Apparently as well as my tinnitus  have a hearing issue too so my ears are not functioning too good these days I guess it will get worse as I get older unless I introduce some mechanical thing to help me but then I am a bit worried that will make me dependent on it I guess I need to go and find out what is available really.

With all the other issues I have in relation to health its going to be a bit of a struggle from here on in I guess old age is not for the faint hearted is the saying I will have to do the best and see what happens I suppose.

I am not too keen on this new bus service we have it only goes down the road and then we are stuck for a connection to somewhere else for ages then.  A lot of people rely on the buses to alleviate their isolation in these small villages which over the years due to the motor car and work have had the life sucked out of them until all they are are dormatories  no life in them at all which is a sad state as far as I am concerned I guess this place used to be a lively little place but not anymore.


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