
Well this snow is a bit more slippery than usual it seems to me as I have fallen over again today. I did last night and this morning again I guess its down to the shoes I wore but its no fun when you have a painful shoulder too which is even more painful now. There s also a cold bitterly wind today I am sure its winter's last stand and that it will improve after this period, it has been a long winter really. The sun is quite warm though really I guess its the sign of spring coming. It does not help dealing with this winter having to hang around and wait nearly half an hour for a bus which is what happens these days due to the shit bus services that are existing round here due to the shanangans of the the old bus firm, Everyone is now suffering due to the fraudulant behaviour and the crap way the council is dealing with it they are reluctant to spend money |I think and this will impact on the economy of the area in the end as the tourists won't be able to get ar...