writing on the net

The danger of the internet came to the fore again this week.  The girl who probably tweeted about the Welsh language did not want everyone to see it. I am sure she will not make the same mistake again or maybe she will.  Its quite easy to forget that what you write on here is there for the whole world to see sometimes this mistake can be classed as naive, but I guess when you are not thinking, which I guess you should always do really when posting on here, it is very easy to make a mistake.  I know I did it a few years ago and suffered the consequences.  On here the printed word can be taken out of context and lead to backlass as happend to this BBC researcher.  I had a go at this BBC person whihc was wrong I guess in hindsight as I have done the same thing so I suppose I ahould have had some sympethy.

I blasted some people for the way I was treated in relation to something, I blasted them on here, the mistake I made was that they were local, I did not in my my naievity think anyone of significence would see it, I was just annoyed at hte time, it was a silly thing to do in hindsight.  Inadvertantly, though it game them publicity which they have probably gained from afterwards,  but I guess it doesn't work like that.


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