The Welsh language

This week the Welsh language seems to have been picked on a bit. I obviously speak Welsh so am a bit protective of my culture.  Last week the media wer having a go at the Eisteddfod for the fact that the they were not honouring the Welsh football team and were putting down to the fact that that the team, though some do, do not speak Welsh,  I am sure the  Welsh football team were not that interested in getting something from the Eisteddfod anyway.  The next episode was a woman on a programme about Pwllheli, who did not want her child being taugh through the medium of Welsh, she seemed to want it treated like the French language is treated, in basically an area where Welsh is gpoken by most people, and where the culture Cymreag is alive and well though it would nto be if were for idiots like this woman. What chance does the Welsh language have it even inhabitants of the area do not respect the language and the culure.  The third episode of the language being picked on happend yesterday, when a young person at BBC thought it was a good idea to encourage the death of the Welsh language.  The person tweeted about it to someone else, and obviously peopole were annoyed.  People should just leave the language alone and its rich culture which defines who we are, just leave it alone.  Wanting the language to die is basically wanting he people who speak it to, this is just so ignorant and disrepectful.. I have grown up with moron having a go at the language some think its funny some are just racist, and some are just clumsy maybe ignorant but mean no harm, those usually correct their behaviour quickly.  The ones who pick on it for 'fun' just want cheap publicity. All this anti the Welsh language just gets tedious after a while and boring,

There was a movement in the 80s to create a part of Wales just for Welsh speakers, but I guess they thought that would be the thin end of the wedge and look what has happend to Israel since it has been created, it has not been left alone and no one wants that situation.


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