wild swimming

Well its the Olympics so I decided to get active, so I decided to try a bit of wils swimming yesterday.  The place where I went was a lake which is on now a closed down golf course.  When the golf course was open, people use to lose their balls in there all the time and some locals used to go swim in the lake to find the balls and then sell them in the golf shops around the area.  My brother was one of those who went golf ball hunting. he used to go with a friend and his canoe, my brother use to dive for them.7

When I got to the lake yestday, which is known locally as llyn Pencefn, I was a bit apprehensive as, the media is full of old or middle aged men diving into things other than the municple baths and coming a cropper or even worse just ending up dead, probably due to their age and the condtions, no fool like an old fool I guess.  Anyway I had come prepared so I thought I would first dip my toe in like you do, in most things in life, in doing this I felt slippery stone at the bottom of the lake and thought this would be a good launching pad, to dive in.  The next minute I was in, it was cold as I expected but not too cold as the summer has not been cold just wet.  I swam  few yards when came back, I wanted to go further but thought one step at a time as I was on my own. I came out and sat for a while then went again, it was very refreshing this time felt more confident.  I did not have a third go as I was not sure about the place really and decided to call it a day get some advice.  I have never felt so clean after coming out of water though, a much better experience than coming out of a swimming pool.

There are many benefits to wild swimming, no noisy kids no one getting in your way while you swim, and no chlorine, I guess there are risks too, such as the temperaiture of the water and whatever might be in it, this experience was very exhilerating though and one I would like to repeat some day soon.


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