
Thie is the story of the broken shower door.  A few months ago the shower door broke, the things tha keep it attached to the frame came lose, I am not sure what they are called, anyway, I needed new ones, I managed to phone the company who supplied the shower and they said that it would cost me £12,  well I wasn't going to pay that, it was the housing company's responsibility I thought, so I rang them and asked them to get soime of these things, that I needed. I gave them the order number.  Well weeks and months went buy and as I guess, I knew, the housing company did nothing, they are not very good landlords. I was a bit worried the shower would come off altogether, eventually so decided I would have to buy the things myself, I rang them and fair play they sent me a set for nothing, which kind of rekindled my faith in human nature a little.  The shower door had not been put in properly in the first place, more cowboy builder work, I guess, so many of those idiots around, there should be some regulation and not that any old twat can set themselves up as a so called builder.

Yesterday I put the new fasteners on the shower door, and while doing this, I came across a problem which had been there since the the thing was put in, one of the rollers for te sliding door had come away and was not working and that is why the bottem fasteners came lose in the first place, so now the thing is fixed and the door should be fine for a long time now.  I am not a diy person, but this was a bit of an emergency as I could have ended up with no shower, especially if I was relying on the housing company, anyway, well done Coram showers.

I am still struggling with the EDM music, I thought I had done a good track the other day, but on taking back to the teacher to listen to he was not happy with it, though I am not I was wise taking it to him as I was not too willing to accept to the criticism either, and I kind of blocked it out, I guess I am ok writing songs ona  guitar but no good with this electrnoic music, anyway, its the last week this week and I can get away fromt the course for a while and do other things.


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