dodgy dealings

This is another story in the long line of stories of dodgy dealings with Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd.  I reported a damp problem, which took them nearly a year to come and have a look at when they did, they said it was due to the bad rendering outside, the large cracks in it.  Someone was sent round to to have a look at it and to take photos, as the weather was not ideal to start the job.  Anyway months have gone past and nothing has been done, I rang them today and apparently, the ' photo'  they have shows the work as having been done, that's why they haven't been round to finish the job.  I have heard some excuses in my time, but this one takes the biscuit, I reckon, they are just bullshiting making things up as an excuse for not having forgotten to do the work.  Apparently they are going to carry on the sherad and send someone round in July.  this company's customer service is rubbish.

A friend any myself fixed the outside gate last night, the gate had sort of worn away its hinges and was leaning a bit and making it hard to open, my friend put something in the hinge and it opened and closed great, except this thing was a small stone and by this morning it had worn away, it needs something a bit more robust,  This gate has been here for over a hundred years I think so has lasted well, and might still be here in another 100 hundred years


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