
Showing posts from June, 2015


The above picture, I reckon shows, how much porgerss I have not or have made on the music course. I would not have got this picture a year ago, or it would have taken me a long time  to get it, but I got because, well my teacher told me, that the theme was played on two notes.  It is a very famous theme, and its amazing how they are still making refrences to it, as the above photo shows, I was a young lad when I went to see the film on a family outting to a cinema in Llandudno, and the film scared the life out of me, with heads falling out of holes and legs floating in the sea, not your usual horror story I guess, well not the ones I was used to. Anyway I am still none the wiser about writing a so called house music song, and I really am not that bothered as its not the music I really listen, I kind  of wish I had not said I would have a go at doing something which basically I have no idea about. and all its doing really is aggrevating my tinitus  I went for a ...

dodgy dealings

This is another story in the long line of stories of dodgy dealings with Cartrefi Cymunedol Gwynedd.  I reported a damp problem, which took them nearly a year to come and have a look at when they did, they said it was due to the bad rendering outside, the large cracks in it.  Someone was sent round to to have a look at it and to take photos, as the weather was not ideal to start the job.  Anyway months have gone past and nothing has been done, I rang them today and apparently, the ' photo'  they have shows the work as having been done, that's why they haven't been round to finish the job.  I have heard some excuses in my time, but this one takes the biscuit, I reckon, they are just bullshiting making things up as an excuse for not having forgotten to do the work.  Apparently they are going to carry on the sherad and send someone round in July.  this company's customer service is rubbish. A friend any myself fixed the outside gate last night, the gat...


I found this chilli con carne recipie on the net, which could be made ion a mirowave, the first time I made it I really enjoyed it, and it was very easy to do and quick, I then thought would have a go at makng it with turkey instead of beef, and trying to adjust the recipie accordingly by reducing the cooking time.  I reduced the tme by about 2 minutes, well the result was not that great I guess the recipie is for beef not turkey and maybe turkey does not have a chlli recipie, I only gave it a go as i thought it would be healthier, won't bother again. I am still banging away at tryng to make house music, for ths course I am doing, but not geytting too far it seems to me, I brought a book about making dance music, its quiet good up to a certain point then when it comes to talking about the processing of different drum bits or the bass or the lead as well I tend to switch off, I get lost.  When I first got the book it seemed to have some mistakes in it in relation to music the...

Music creation

This is another post about my attempt at music production.  Since the beginning my quest to write a house music track, I was told to have the drum part coming in for about 8 bars,. well I just painted them in on the midi thing in a pattern resembling a deep house style of pattern, I did not know if it was deep house or not and I would not be able tell if it was different from any other genre which produced its music on computer.  After I had 'put in' the drums I would make a bassline which sound ed not to bad and then forget about the drums really and just try to put in some chords and some tune in the hope that a house track would magically appear, the teacher just let me carry on really I guess this is a symptom of my life in general where I suppose I was lookjng for something to occupy my time really to stop feeling so much overwhelming anxiety all the time. Anyway back to music production, by forgetting about a drum, which of course is part of the song itself, this deep ...