
Well the skip has finally gone from the front of the house, so hopefully now the moaning neighbour will shut, but I guess it was a bit of an inconvenience, it was here much longer than I thought it would be, and I think I would have been moaning too, I guess.  The people who brought the skip here still haven't given me a key to lock the new shed, or metal container or whatever it is, hopefully it wll get here soon.  They have also no finished doing the work.

I ordered a 'new' phone today, it is actually second hand, I want to take advantage of the Wifi places that is available around in places these days, the phone was quite cheap as it was second hand I have bought a second hand phone before and it was fine for a long time.

Well the weather seems to be holding out quite well, hopefully it will stay dry for another few days.  I guess if it rains I can get on with the diy I need to do round here. 

This village these days seem very quiet, there is hardly anyone around, I remember it a being a very lively little place, times change I guess. I started with a new phone company yesterday, I was on the phone to them, the Post office for ages twice, they take an age to answer the phone for some reason, busy or something they say, I am not sure what the hold up would be, I guess they don't employ enough staff, to answer the phone.


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