
I decided to go for a swim this morning, as I hadn't been for a couple of weeks, it was quiet again, its much easier to dhte lengths when there is not that many people around, I guess it will be busy with famillies next week as its half term, which, I actually thought was this week. I over slept this morning, usually the kids wake me up going to school or traffic, but nothing woke me this morning and when I woke I was not sure wehat time it was, but it was 9.30 am, not slept in like that for ages, I guess I needed it.
After going for a swim I decided to go to Pwllheli on the train, just because it was nice sunny afternoon, I get to go for free, and it the journey is 3 tyimes faster on the train, the bus goes all over the place. IO had half an hour in Pwllheli  before the same train went back, so had a chance to do some shopping, they are building a new Weatherspoons pub there and it coming along quite nicely, I guess it will be finished by the beginning to the year;
Anyway I caught the train back at half past one and got back to Porthmadog by about 2, mouched around the town for a while then came home and hads a late lunch.
When I got home there was still no sign of the this phone I had got off ebay, I guess I will to akd for my money back, as it does seem to be comiing , the guiy who went it is not very friendly either and I wasnt to bring the thing to an end now.


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