free water

Well my free water supply has gone, well its been buried anyway, I had this pipe in the garden which did not have a tap on it, which the water was free, as it was bypassing the water meter, I had been meaning to put a tap on it fo ages but never got round to it, for one reason and another, anyway, due to the fact the shed that it was in was being pulled down, the people decided the tap could not be left in garden uncovered so it had to be buried in the garden, which is understandable, if I had wanted it I guess I would have got round to putting a tap on it by now.  I guess I can always dig it up again if want to restart it but i doubt I will.

I am due to do a radio interview tomorrow, I have never done one before, well not live anyway, I think I did a recorded one once. I am not doing it alone which is good,  The interview will be about a this walking group I go with every month, its a group dedicated to people with bad eyesight, and it has volunteers there too. i am hoping to get the point over that people who are visually impaired suffer along from social isolation, and that groups like this can be a help; to them to get out and about again, they can be with people who are like themselves, and the group caters for the visually impaired, well as much as it can anyway, I have been going with them for many years, well I can't remember when I first started to go to be honest, I thought it was 2005 but the organisor does not think it was then, so I have no idea when it was.  i have suggested few walks for the group, and it has been fun taking them on the route


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