
It has been a nice day weather wise today, there has been a nice breeze all day, ideal for drying clothes, the rain did come down heavily for a while though.  This month is fast going, only a couple of days left, I should be getting the new battery for the phone, either tomorrow or the day after, I did have a new battery but it seemed to not be holding the charge only for a few hours I am assuming that this is because its probably a copy battery, so I have ordered one which is for the phone itself, if this doesn't work I guess the phone is knackered and I will have to get a new one, I am not messing around with getting this one fixed.

I had a go at writing a song today, the words to it are not very good, its basically about homesickness, the middle 8 bit is a bit tricky to get right.  I guess I hope the group who play with right now, would like to play it, its not brilliant but I guess the more I write the better I will get hopefully.

I also came across a problem, that might have been making the guitar not sound so good, the screws were a bit loose on the machine head and it was moving about, the thread in the hole has got a bit worn, so I used some foil to fill the hole a bit, it seems to have done the job, not sure how long it will last though, I would like new guitar, but its hard to make a decision on which is best.


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