
Well its another day of noisy manhole cover, its horrible, I think will hastle the them again tomorrow about it, the Water Board.  

I got a letter from the college where I have applied to go on a 'help me get a job' program, apparently I am going on the 4th of March, it will be change from here.  The letter I got was done in a way, the layout, that was different to the way I was actually taught to do it there so many years ago.

I have also received a letter from housing company contracts saying they ware coming on Monday to put in the new kitchen, I have rang them today, to ask them to postpone the job and that they could come on days I am away next month, they could get on with it without me being here, and anyway I have enough to do right now just to organise the time away and to put up with this racket in the street, and I am not that fused about having the place turned upside down to be honest.  I only had a new kitchen a few years ago, but I would like the place rewired, but it involves a bit of a mess I think.

I went for a swim today, won't be able to go next week due to an interview for a job.


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