
I got up this morning, thinking the people who were suppose to come and fix the faulty manhole, would be there, but as the morning went on, it kind of dawned on me they were not going to turn up again, but I guess you never knew, they might have turn up in the afternoon, but they didn't.  The neighbours had moved their cars again, as the notices had gone to them to move them so the contractors could do the work.  I decided to ring the contracting company to ask if they were coming, I was told they would be there, but as the afternoon went, there was no sign of them so I rang again, and was told the same rubbish again.  At this point I was a bit annoyed about being fobbed off, so I rang the council as it was them I rang regarding the problem in the first place, but in reality it was the water board's problem I guess.  The council said they would forward the message on, but I then thought I am probably better off ringing the water board and I did this and told them the story.  They said they would contact the contractors and the contrators would contact me in the next 2 days, with a start date for the job, and if they don't turn up again, I am to ring back. 

The people are moving their cars and I feel sorry for them really. I feel a bit responsible as its me who has rang and complained well me and a neighbour.

If they send out another notice regarding the cars people will just ignore them and they will not be able to do the job as the cars will be in the way, they just seem a stupid lot to me, the contact is with the Water board, and they can have their pick o contractors, I am not sure why they are jeopardising the fact that they have the contract.


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