nice day

The computer course did not go too well again, turned up but no tutor in site, so left, I will have another go on Monday.  There was message from a dellivery company when I got home, it concerns a clock I chose as a gift from this company who supplied me a gadget a few weeks ago.  They were not able to leave it with a neighbour as it needed a signeture, but I thought it would be ok if the neighbour gave a signeture, as they said that it would be ok to deliver it to another address.  I don't like sitting in all day waiting for something, well especially when it was only a free gift like this was, I am not what to do really, I shall just have to be in I guess and hope to God they don't tall all day about it.

I did some gardening today, I am trying to grow some leaks, they are quite small right now, and I need to move them to they have more space.


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