Its been a long day, and now the font thing on this messing about, I spent most of the day messing about on the computer , not sure what I'm suppose to be doing really.
I did not go the 4th day of the walk, I could not face another 10 miles of plodding around the countryside, I think this is mainly due to the fact that I have not been walking quite so much in the last year, due to bad weather and things like that. I did not think I would even finish 2 days but I did 3 in the end, more than anyone else except the person who organised the walk. Instead of going on the walk i tidied up around the place, and just sat around, and also watched the football this afternoon, it was a crap day. I did not even go for a short walk, its still perishing out there, I have a short walk on Wednesday, a kind of trail run for group who want to do this short walk, a recky or something they call it. I have at last heard when the new kitchen is being put in, apparently its on the !0th of April, I should have a received a 21 day notice but I didn't, which I guess is typical of the organisation who are doing the work. I am a bit apprehensive about the rewiring as the...
I went to an exhibition today, which was about the first world war, it mainly seemed to be full of photos of men from my home village who had fallen in the great war, they were all young obviously not ravaged by time. It was a bit sad to think that so many young men from the place where I grew up were killed, it had their names and the names of where they lived, the names of houses and streets are the same today Sometimes you feel the outside world does not affect what happens here, but I guess it must do as it dragged a load of the young men here into the conflict which was going on at that time, I am not sure I agree with them going to fight, but that is neither here nor there, the fact is they did and that was what was going on at that time. My grandfather was in the first world war, but he was lucky enough to survive, even though he did leave his calf muscle over there in wherever he was, it must have been hell for him really and I guess I will never know what he saw there...
it seems like there is life still left in summer, it is a beautiful day today. Well today is the day after i went to the pub and sang a few songs with some friends, which was good fun. I looked at the facebook today and saw that I might have upset a couple of people because I was asking why a page did not have any Welsh on it, as the organisation involved is suppose to be bilingual, some people got shirty about it, I just put this down to them being tired, and therefore being petty, as one does when one is tired, they are trying to organise a beer festival, well have organised it and its going ahead this weekend, but they will not have any success if they are spending time being petty and stupid, they are better off putting all their energy into getting the festival going and pulling together to do this. I am a bit glad now really that i am going away for few months away from this petty small mindedness that can exist in a small village, its quite sad really. If there are people comi...
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