going abroad

 While using Google Docs. I came across. a bigger. voice typing. thingy. that's not present here in blogger. which is a bit of a shame. I guess will have to carry on with the one that it is on this page which is ok

My internet seems a bit slower these days I am not sure whether to upgrade to something that does not lag though its not too bad.  My brother and sister seems to have been abroad recently maybe its time I had a trip away, I have a neice who has moved to australia maybe I could use that as an excuse to go somewhere though Australia is a very long way away and it takes a day to fly there. 

The thought of being on the same plain for a whole day  is not great, I may have  to try to sort some health issues out before I ge, I think my brother is struggling to come to terms with his daughter going to the other side of the world but I guess fair play to him for not standing in her way I hope she is  doing ok.

I wish I had fucked from here a long time ago but its too late now though its not that easy to get into these countries I tried to get to the states but couldn't they have a very strict criteria on who can and can't go there.  I did have a chance to go to work there but chickened out its one of those regrets you have in life I guess 

The problem I had when moving to England well one of them anyway was the fact that I had a Welsh middle name so I dropped it as the poeple in England can't role their 'r' s, my neice will find it difficult with her name being its Welsh I have heard of people going to Australia and their names being changed I think one was changed to Merlin.  I remember a chinese lady living in the same house as me and changed her name to Sue as her chinese name rhymed with ping pong 


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