wacky thursday

 I am starting to get worried about how the community pub I help set up is being run, the licensee is a liability and at risk of losing the licence for the pub, the manager is a poor manager and the staff well some of the staff are poor. I have heard that there is not enough money coming in well the above factors are not helping I guess, they just combine to put people off coming to the place I guess which is the last thing that we need.

Pubs are closing all the time these days so its not easy to run one so its important the basics are right I suppose to limit any damage from the cost of living crisis and the general chaanges in society.  There seems to be more functions in the place these days and still not enough money is coming in, maybe the will to make the place work is getting less and less, which would seem to be demonstrated by the choice of licensee, or the lack of choice of one I guess.

I am having a a wacky day, I went to someone's house and inquired if they run a cat shelter which I had been told they did, but it turns out no they don't a bit embarrassing.  Also when I went for  walk a ram hit me from behind it was probably to do with the commotion from the field next door. It was lucky I was going up hill and not down, the bastard was sneaky and got me from behind, they say things happen in threes, what next I wonder, there is still a chunk of the day left 

We have rain today for the first time a few days 


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