
Showing posts from April, 2024

ysgrifennu cân yn gymraig

Rwyf wedi bod yn ceisio ysgrifennu cân heddiw ond rwy'n cael traffath i feddwl am y geiriau yn y Gymraeg nid yw fy ngeirfa mor eang a mae o yn Saeneg, trio ysgrifennnu can serch sydd wedi cael ei ysbrydoli gan by awen, ma siwr fysa hi ddim in hoffi y ffaith ei bod yn fy awen ond fela ma hi, enw'r gan dos a fi, rwyf wedi cael llawer or llinellau ond mae lot of ffor i fynd i eto tan fyddai wedi gorffen y gan i gyd, ac fel arfer y pella dwi mynd hefo'r gan yr anodda ydi meddwl am y geiriau sydd yn odli hefo ei gilydd, fedrai mond trio ma siwr a gobeithio am y gora am wn i. Can am ddyn sydd eisio gwario amser hefo merch yw hi mae y tune reit syml dwi meddwl nath y y gan just dod i mi fela, dwie yn dechra chwara coridiau a wedyn yn canu tune dros ei pennau nhw a wedi trio meddwl am eiriau i'r gan ond mae rhaid cael awen i ganu am neu fod na rhiw bwnc sydd wedi cymerud fy sylw i a wedyn i ffwrdd a fi i ysgifennu y gan rwyf wedi ysgrifennu llawer o ganeuon ond dim byd sydd we...

bus app

 It was not a nice day to hang around for a bus yesterday it was raining but its what I had to do, the bus was late,  I looked on the bus service app and the bus seemed to be being held up at its starting point in the next town, or maybe the app was playing up I was not sure as I have not really tested the app yet.  There were other people waiting for the bus so at least I knew it had not gone unless it had gone early which is a rare occurrence thankfully On the app the bus seemed to move again and then it was held up so I was still not sure if there was a bus coming or not then it moved again so I began to think there was bus on its way and it arrived, I told the others it was on its way, in the meantime we were all getting wet, apparentlty the bus had been held up by a broken down old steam train which had brokon down on the main road, the things should not be crossing the main road really as they are in danger of breaking down all the time due to their age and can be d...


 I saw on the tv that the film 'First knight is on some of it was filmed round here in trawsfynydd on the lake, it starred Richard Gere, who spent quite a few days here and met some of the locals the land used is owned by my neices grandfather, I was at college at the time so was not here to see what was going one but a friend from college came here to stay to see the filming. Another film which filmed around here is macbethe by roman polanski, I was only a child when it was being filmed but I can remember going up the road to see the place where it was being filmed and we had few arrows to take hoome as some kind of momento of being up there.  There have many other films set here over the years some partly and some wholly like the Inn of the sixth happiness and carry on up the kyber a bit before my time there have not been that many over the last few years for whatever reason, just a few welsh dramas and short tv series; I did have photos of the macbeth filming but they have ...

ram attack

 My leg is still a bit sore from the other day's ram attack. I went out today for a walk and I am a bit more wary now after the thing happened. The attack happend probably because the ram got spooked by the commotion in the next field but I have never heard of anyone getting attacked before by one I think its a very rare occurance well I don't know I have not looked up the stats The story is quite amusing to most who hear it though why me getting attacked is funny I don't know but it is funny I guess a big old ram running behind someone and butting them, things might have been different if I had not thrown that stick away 

wacky thursday

 I am starting to get worried about how the community pub I help set up is being run, the licensee is a liability and at risk of losing the licence for the pub, the manager is a poor manager and the staff well some of the staff are poor. I have heard that there is not enough money coming in well the above factors are not helping I guess, they just combine to put people off coming to the place I guess which is the last thing that we need. Pubs are closing all the time these days so its not easy to run one so its important the basics are right I suppose to limit any damage from the cost of living crisis and the general chaanges in society.  There seems to be more functions in the place these days and still not enough money is coming in, maybe the will to make the place work is getting less and less, which would seem to be demonstrated by the choice of licensee, or the lack of choice of one I guess. I am having a a wacky day, I went to someone's house and inquired if they run a c...


 Time is zooming on by, and there is an event in the community pub at the end of next month and it will be here pretty quickly.  In relation to the event, the pub was shut through lockdown and on bank holiday saturday they want to shut it down again I am not too sure the new people on the board know what they are dong you are going to have to pay 25 quid to go foa a pint, which is not a good look  I went to my uncle's funeral the other day, we had a service in the house and the same service by the grave side for some reason it was quite surreal to be honest.  My uncle was born in the same house he died in and he lived there all his life he inherited the farm which would not have happend today as it would be spread throughout the family or if it did happne it would have gone to court.   My motther received very little from my grandfather's estate and she ended up having to up put up with my father, amybe if she had something worth having from the estate she ...