
The DWP are at it again, messing up people's lives.  A friend has a small pension, a very small pension to claim and he declared it, to the DWP in relaton to change of circomstances, he was bing honest.  The result of this is that he is now 25 quid worse off, the benefits he claims as a disabled person he is blind have been reduced.  I don't think its fair that a disabled person's benefits should be cut.

My friend was allocated the money he got by from the DWP as the money he needs to survive all he has done is tell then they can take the amount of the pension off, and therefore reduce his money by the amount of the pension but they have gone further and taken more off.  By doing this they are calling him a fraud basically, that he was defrauding them of the amount of they have taken off him  that has reduced his benefit by 25 quid.

The DWP have a bad reputation when it comes to dealing with disabled people and from my experience you basically have to go to war with them to get what is yours. 

These benefits are suppose to help people the worse off in society and there should be some compassion in relaten to handing them out, there does not seem to be any compassion in my friends case.

I have advised him to appeal but the effort it takes to go through the process is quite a bit it is energy sapping but they should not be taking moeny from disabled people willy nilly its no wonder no one trusts them there is no flexability in the system it seems to me.

There have been some new changes in the system again I am not sure what they are yet something about the test being taken away but no news of what is going to be in its place as yet, so is this just more politics and nothing to do with the welfare of the people on benefit? 

There is so much stress involved in claiming these benefits millions go unclaimed every year becasue so many don't want the stress and there I guess stay in poverty which is perhaps what the system is designed to do.  The systeme is a nightmare and I wish I had never got involved in it really but I have had to and i am sure they will come knocking soon to mess me about for a while 

I know there is fraud as there is in most things in life but the number is very small compared to other areas like tax fraud which the politicians seemt to try to get away with. 


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