electric bus

  did some shopping today it seems to be going up and up every week I got the same bus back as I did down there are suppose to be some electric buses starting soon but they should have been here by now if was not for some nimbys, this place could have been the first to get the electric buses but the locals screwed up the first place was carmarthen instead. 

We still have to have the lockdown timetable here because of those nimbys which is bad news. I really hope nothing else screws things up. I am intrigued by the electric buses wonder how quiet they will be.

Apparetly they have a reading lamp on them so I assume they will pretty quiet no one would read on a noisy combustion enegine bus as they are now. The world will be funny place in years to come where there will be no combustion enegine making a racket except when the hit pot holes which some do outside my house because of the twat across the road had some gas or something put in they have not filled the thing in properly. It probaby damges cars to go into the pot hole I guess

The weather has been not too good today it has rained most of it and it seems that its not to going to get any better any time soon. There is still no sign of the electric bus service


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