
Showing posts from March, 2023


The DWP are at it again, messing up people's lives.  A friend has a small pension, a very small pension to claim and he declared it, to the DWP in relaton to change of circomstances, he was bing honest.  The result of this is that he is now 25 quid worse off, the benefits he claims as a disabled person he is blind have been reduced.  I don't think its fair that a disabled person's benefits should be cut. My friend was allocated the money he got by from the DWP as the money he needs to survive all he has done is tell then they can take the amount of the pension off, and therefore reduce his money by the amount of the pension but they have gone further and taken more off.  By doing this they are calling him a fraud basically, that he was defrauding them of the amount of they have taken off him  that has reduced his benefit by 25 quid. The DWP have a bad reputation when it comes to dealing with disabled people and from my experience you basically have to go to war ...

electric bus

  did some shopping today it seems to be going up and up every week I got the same bus back as I did down there are suppose to be some electric buses starting soon but they should have been here by now if was not for some nimbys , this place could have been the first to get the electric buses but the locals screwed up the first place was carmarthen instead.   We still have to have the lockdown timetable here because of those nimbys which is bad news. I really hope nothing else screws things up. I am intrigued by the electric buses wonder how quiet they will be. Apparetly they have a reading lamp on them so I assume they will pretty quiet no one would read on a noisy combustion enegine bus as they are now. The world will be funny place in years to come where there will be no combustion enegine making a racket except when the hit pot holes which some do outside my house because of the twat across the road had some gas or something put in they have not filled the thing in ...

school friends

I got a reply from the council regarding my complaint about pavement parking this morning I have just seen the culprit coming back from work hopefully someone has had a word with him about his stupidity It is at least dry today but still windy and I am able to go out and walk around a little which I had to do this morning as I had time to waste before my appointment at the Barbour's.  Haircuts are not cheap these days and I did not leave a tip as it encourages low wages I did a bit of shopping and then came home the same routine really I suppose. its now getting dark again I am sure spring will soon be here.  Someone who won't see spring is a friend from school who died on xmas day and his funeral is being held in colwyn bay so I will not be able to attend as i\ don't drive it is really sad when school friends pass away.  There have been a few who have died in the last year I guess I am of that age  

underage drinking

I was in the pub last night and there was someone there I know who was under 18 and drinking beer, I pipped up and said they were under age, which they were but I was igorant to the issue that if you are having a meal you are able to buy a 16 or 17 year old a beer.  They are not allowed to drink spirits though apparently, which eventually what happened but bloody hell. Thing are very rarely black and white in life it seems to me. I was going to have a rant with some of the people involved in the pub but think worse bad of staff, In the meantime I had a read of the law I felt a bit of an anorak doing this but it worthwhile doing it int the end but I now owe the persons who were drinking there under age a apology. In the pub last night I also met a distant relative, his father was my mother's cousin on.  I am glad now I spent some time doing the family tree it has solved an issue otherwise would have taken a long to work out.