
I was talking to a lady who I have known for most of my life she use to run a shop and her husband was a very good electrician, he came to my parents home to fix things, I also remember he bought a CB radio from me in the 1980s, they were all the rage then, you had a handle and talked to folk on it who would usually have one in the car, It was used to america by truck drivers I think it may still be as far as I know.

This man now is affected by Alzamiers disease, and his goes to see him in the a home, he does not recognise her or anyone else anymore a really sad state of affairs I guess and a very good reason to into introduce voluntary euthanasia, he is not going to 'come back' there is no miracle cure, in fact I doubt anyone is looking for such a thing he has been in this state for years and has no quality of life, there is no reason for him to live, if he went his wife might get some peace some of mind and maybe a bit of quality of life.

The man is just a shell now his personality and character has gone. As we get older I guess its something we all dread being in that state, if I get to or am nearing that state I hope I could be allowed a dignified death keeping me alive for year on year would be horrible.  I guess I would not know if I was being kept alive or not as I would be gone   


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