
 Swimming is very important to me, it helps with release of stress and loosens me up a bit when I get too tense.  It is now nice to be able to get back to swimming after the dreadful two years of being locked away in our houses.

The problem I have with swimming is that it hard to find suitable times to go, I am reluctant to go to the ordinary swimming session as I have limited vision so would feel a bit anxious about bumping into people.  There is a way round this and that is to ask for a lane rope to be put in the pool as part of the reasonable adjustments that places have to make in relaton to disability.  This is part of 2010 Equality Act.

The term reasonable adjustments is very vague though, who determins what is reasonable and what is not and the hastle of it sometimes can make it harder for disabled people and may come over to some as them being demanding.

I know the amount of varied disabilities makes it harder for places to have to make adjustments


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