
I see that some local businesses are opening their doors but they only have locals around to buy stuff I feel that I should support local but I guess |I feel that they should support the disability commuity too in return namely the visual impaired community I guess, I went to local sandwich shop  today and got a sandwich but their menu is not accessible  to me as I am visually impaired so I guess why should I support that shop its an awkward one.

My internet was knocked out by the storm last night and so was the electricity  the internet has come back now which is good as I am not going to go anywhere  today as its soggy.  

I had to go to the next town to get some things today as the local shop has shut due to the virus thing I don't know how serious it is maybe they want a holiday as they have been busy or something.

I got on the bus the other day and the driver told me that the face covering I had was not the right kind of covering it had to be a mask I did not say anything even though I had no idea what he was on about but I could not be bothered to get into it anyway I mulled it over a few times and found out that on the companies website it says face coverings and nothing else nothing specific.  In the mean time I used another mask which I have out of curiosity and to be honest it is easier to breath with the paper ones as opposed to the one the driver objected to.

I went on the bus today and the driver apologised to me for what had said which was good I guess.  I have heard it says something about three layers I don't know I am not sure anyone does to be honest this really is a do it yourself pandemic.


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