
Today I go again to help out in the foodbank I am only there for an hour but I guess I am relied upon to be there and I guess am fullfilling a role.  In the beginning I think that going to the foodbank was more for my benefit than there's.  I am sure it has been a bit stressful for the ones who were in the ood bank all the time to be giving food parcels to their neighbours by full time I mean 5 days a week

Going today might be a bit awkward as I encountered a stroppy bus driver on saturday who was not happy with my face covering but this is all I have right now so it will have to do until something better comes along anyway his website says face covering it does not specify what typ of covering that is needed.

I enjoy home recording and have recently realised how useful the magnifier can be in the process of using a DAW which can be a bit cluttered and its hard to see what is what sometimes the magnifier can zoom in probably much better than the zoom function on the DAW I wish I had come across this sooner but I guess better late than never.

The sky is grey agian today but the rain usually stays off or we only get a little bit it seems but if you listened to the weather forecast you would think we were in for a deluge. I hear that the rate of infection is getting higher in England due to everything being open I guess so it will be a long time before we are down to no infections at all like New Zealand this anxiety will be lasting a lot longer here than in other countries of the world which will be very costly in the end due to health issues longterm there will be people suffering after this pandemic has long gone if they are still alive to do so.  New Zealand can go forward leaps and bounds while we here are still in the dulldrums which is pretty sad.

I am struggling to think of things which might make this situation easier but its not easy I guess and maybe I need to stop struggling a bit and just go with it.

It seems everyone is in a hurry to get back to what was normal I am no soure if that is a good thing there was a lot about the previous normal that we should be running a mile from.


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