stiff keyboard

Well this is the second week of being at home and not being at college,  now I have to find things to do myself, where when I was at college it was there on a plate.  I was not too impressed with the course really. I am not too sure whether coming back here was the right thing to do either,  I saw the cricket facebook page this morning and I guess I miss the team thing there. There is not blind cricket thing here, I have tried to contact an organisation which might fancy holding an open day, but they have not got back to me as yet, they are obviously not that interested I guess.

I was a bit disappointed with the result of the football last night, I would have liked Argentina to win, but I guess that's how it goes.  For some reason, my wrist is hurting while typing this, its not as if I haven't typed for a while, It wiIl be better when I have my own laptop back and hopefully I will not break it this time though I have been typing for a long time, I am not sure what is going on, old age I guess, time is flying by these days.

I am getting some vibes that not all is well at the community pub either, which is bad news, and I hope it does not fold, its been up and down since opening, just hope it can get through this phase again.


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