old railway track

I went for a walk yesterday, to check it if it was suitable to take some people on it, and its not as bad as I thought, I did however take a diversion along the old railway track which was closed in the 60s by beaching, and has now got a lot of over grown greenery on it.  It was used for a while by the power station but that has stopped for years, it would need a lot of money to get it up and running again, i would like to see the track being dug up and a path put there, so people could have a nice walk from Blaenau Ffestiniog to Llan Ffestiniog, as opposed to having to use the main road, people could also cycle on the place where the track used to be. 

These old railway tracks have been dug up in many places, as well as been reopened, but I don't see this one being reopened as some of the tracks further down the line has been removed.  The mawddach way the walk from Dolgellau and Barmouth is an example of an old railway track used for leisure walking and riding, this route is a bit boring really as its quite straight, where the Blaenau to Llan Ffestiniog one is much more interesting, \I think it would bring some much needed revenue in from tourism.  Some half cocked idea of a velorail was introduced a few years ago but never got off the ground or down the line even, this place does not have th weather for that kind of thing.  Anyway I walked home along the railway yesterday and it was really over grown, and I had a pair of shorts on, more fool me as it my legs to shreds, they still hurt today to be honest  

The pic is of the old railway track.  It would be good to see it removed it has not been used commercially since I have been alive and the old station building as long gone, we used to play in them as children pretending to control the trains, we had a great time hiding from each other playing hide and seek in em, and no one ever got hurt, I guess health and safety would have been dragged in today as they are into everything with this compensation culture going on.

My latest project is, trying to organise a taster session for blind cricket, which I have played a bit of, I have got the organisation development officer involved but it seems like its down to me really I am waiting on an email to set a venue, its hard work this organisng bit


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