
Its been a lovely day here in relation to the weather, I guess spring is here at last. Yesterday I got a letter from the housing company who own this house, well who administer it anyway, they have put the rent up again by nearly five pounds, it just goes up in large increments like this every year now since they have become a private company, it was not as bad as this when it was under the council.  I guess they have done some work here and they were going to make me pay for it.  Its a bit of a sickner it has gone up so much I am not very happy, I do have options, but I am not that keen on any of them really.

I have watched a documentary about the recording industry today, it was quite interesting I am not sure it was much help in relation to my course, but it was interesting.  Someone from twitter suggested I watched another one and it seems quite interesting the Dave Groll one, which was released last week, I hope watching them will help me in my course really will make things which I amnto so sure about, a bit clearer.  I think the course I am is not that good really, I think it would have been better to have more of an introduction, but I guess its down to the length of the course, they only have 6 months. I am still getting my head round learning about sound engineering really, its something completely different to what I have done before, but it is interesting.

This housing company has done something decent, they have given me a new washing line, which will save me messing about trying to dry my clothes on the radiaro


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