
Well it was Wednesday morning as usual, off to the recording studio to record, the students from the Hereford Art College,  Today the band was quite a large one and they played some world music song.  The person who has been recording these sessions in the last few weeks is leaving soon, and it will have to be me who will be doing the recording soon, which I am dreading right now as I have no idea really what I am doing, hopefully I will get some idea before I have to do it.  I will be glad when I have done a recording as its something I would like to achieve really not just so I can do it for myself but just as an achievement really.  I am not sure yet if I will be able to do it, which is not that good really as, like I will need to do it pretty soon, well me and some other fellow anyway.  The session involved a lot of overdubbing, I have brought a book on the subject of recording which has helped a little in regard, getting rid of the mysticism of the subject.    
            I remembered to change my bed linen today, for change, well I forgot last week anyway.  I am staying here this weekend so will get more use of the linen.  I am not that keen about staying here as I don't sleep here too well, its too warm, the room is pokey and there is a lot of noise going on. in the room, the heating makes a racket and there is a lot of door banging.
             In the evening the mixing of the work is done, which I am not sure I quite undrestand.  I know its something to do with getting a balance of the parts fo the song so that they sound ok, I am sure when I start doing it, I will get the hang of it.  I am  sure the line spacing in this blog is not right, it seems quite large.


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