Today is quite a nice day here Hereford, the sun is out, its been really dismal for the last few days, and its hard to get out for a walk and you can get cabin fever in this place after a while, it has changed a lot since I was here before there is not so much space as there used to be over the road, and there is not as many students as there used to be here.

Its interesting to see how the gym which was, when I was here, a just a couple of bkes etc and is now a really big modern gym which serves the community here and has courses for students to work as gym instructors.  The massage place has changed too it now has many therapies here, where it was just one kind of massage when I was here before, little trees from acorns grow I guess.  It now possible to play VI cricket indoors, whereas when I was here before we had to wait for the good weather, there are also now 'coaches' here, where when we played before it was do it yourself.

The best thing I got from here when I was here before was the ability to type, which with the revolution of computers has proved invaluable, apparently its not a priority anymore to teach typing, here which is a shame really as it would help a lot of people, touch typing is great skill.

When I was here the first time, I forgot to mention I was here about 12 years ago too, the college was purely for visually impaired people people who were registered blind or partially sighted, but now there are other disabilities here too, this was also the case when I was here 12 years ago, but it seems to have increased, and there are people here with mental health problems, which I have found a bit surprising but which is good, its good they are given a chance as its tough have a mental illness and can affect your job prospects drastically due to stigma and ignorance


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