
Showing posts from February, 2014


Well, today the last but one day of my half term holiday, I have to catch the train back tomorrow, I am not that enthusistic about doing so, and maybe I won't, maybe I will wait until Monday, as I don't have a lesson really until the evening.  I am as good as packed really, there was no shopping trip, as I usually do on a Saturday, as I have enough food for the remaining time I am home. The above pic is of the spot the local public toilet used to be in, in the village, for some reason it has been removed, it is really a stupid move, taking down public loos, as poeple will always want to go the loo.  There are some changes happening here in the village too, the post office has shut and the golf course is closing down, its a good thing the pub was saved from closure, or there would only be the shop left, and to be honest, its handy but its pretty expnsive.


Well, I have been home a week already,  only a few more days to go until I am back in college.  I had no plans today, to do anything much and the weather was not very nice to start with and its a lot colder.   I rang RNIB regarding my benefit today, I have now been registered as blind and am therefore entitled to claim for the middle rate fo DLA, but DLA does not take any new claims, as it has changed to PIP, so if I wanted to change the DLA I am on now I would automatically get a claim form for the new PIP shit thing.  When I originally clamed DLA I was awarded it for 'life' or in the case of the Tory shit, until they decid to change it, in other words they are a bunch of liers, so I guess what's new, the Tories and other politicians are all liers I guess, just in for themselves.  Anyway I am not too sure now what to do, whether to go for PIP shit now or just wait until I am called to reclaim, which I think is next year sometime.  I had a lot of grief cl...

bad weather

Well its blowin' a gale here in Hereford, weather which I usually associate with home, I mean its windy and raining.  I am a bit apprehensive about going home tomorrow,  but according to the website, the journey will be fine.  The train journey should be ok but it could get awkward with connections maybe, I guess I will have to just go and find out tomorrow what the situation is.  I have a lesson in the morning but I am off.   It is all there is on the news these days, just the bad weather and nothing else really, its getting a bit tedious.  I never thought I would be back here again but I am and its quite strange really, it still is even after 6 weeks, feels like a dream really or is that, a nightmare?


Monday, well it starts off pretty light here, at college, I have one session in the morning and then nothing until about 4 o'clock, hard to know what do with the time. I had some bad news yesterday, Chris, a lad who I was at school with in the early 70's has passed away due to cancer, the evil that is cancer.  They seem to spend millions of pounds on the research of cancer, they get millions of pounds of donations, but they seem no further forward in the treatment of this vile thing, than they were when my mother died of it nearly 30 years ago, there was the talk, about 10 years ago that people would not die of cancer anymore, they would be able to have treatment for the rest of their lives, there would be no cure, but they would not die, the treatment would help them survive, but I guess that was a load of horseshit as I have lost a few friends in the last few years form this horror,   Chris was a nice lad, he was only 51 when he died, which was the same age as my mother,...


Today is quite a nice day here Hereford, the sun is out, its been really dismal for the last few days, and its hard to get out for a walk and you can get cabin fever in this place after a while, it has changed a lot since I was here before there is not so much space as there used to be over the road, and there is not as many students as there used to be here. Its interesting to see how the gym which was, when I was here, a just a couple of bkes etc and is now a really big modern gym which serves the community here and has courses for students to work as gym instructors.  The massage place has changed too it now has many therapies here, where it was just one kind of massage when I was here before, little trees from acorns grow I guess.  It now possible to play VI cricket indoors, whereas when I was here before we had to wait for the good weather, there are also now 'coaches' here, where when we played before it was do it yourself. The best thing I got from here when I w...