Friday again

I liked this song when if was first out, I see it was out 22 years ago, it is quite breathtaking to think where all the time has gone, it seems like only yesterday when it was out.

I had an appointment with an employment advisor today, as usual on a Friday, well I say as usual, as he forgot to turn up a couple o f weeks ago for some reason,  All the appointment involves is me just telling him what I have been up to in relation of job hunting, which this week involves having applied for 2 jobs, not sure I will get anything from them but we shall see.  I need to money really, that is why I am applying.

After my time with the advisor I popped up to Blaenau for a couple of hours, had a chat and a cup of tea with some people, then got the bus home. and have been messing about on the computer since trying to understand how this windows 8 thing works, its a bit more different to the other versions of windows, it seems to be adopting the tablet way of doing things,

I haven't used this blogger for a while as I have a blog on wordpress, I am not too sure which one is the best site to use.  After a lot of messing about, I have finally managed to move the blog I had on wordpress to blogger, it just seems more accessible than wordpress, I can't recall exactly why I was struggling with wordpress, but there was some issues with it, and I am sure there will be with this, but I have used blogger before and it was not too bad, the last time I used it I got into some bother, due to some fucking idiots who live round here, some fucking cretins. Right I am off to see what has happend to the blog on wordpress, does it import onto here mean that it does not exist on wordpress anymore,  The blog originally started out on posterous, which I think now is part of twitter so I had to move it, and wordpress gave me the option to move it there, I was not aware that you could move to blogger, but obviously you can, which is good. Oh I remember what the problem was with wordpress, if you had not put in a heading when doing the post for the first time, it was not possible to do it in an edit, it was annoying really.

I see that blog is still on wordpress, I will decide later, what I will do about that, whether to get rid of it or not, I also see, that some drfts I had saved have and published today, have been put at top of the blog , I thought they might have been put at the point where they were originally written a few months ago now.

There seems to be another hole in my jeans, I got one fixed the other day in the same pair, I guess I have to accept that I am too big for them and that they are getting too worn, I will have to invest in a new pair again, more expense.

I had got a neighbour, who has a yappy dog, well she now seems to have got another yappy dog, they are a bit of an irritation, but nothing worth complaining about.  It has been a nice day weather wise today, I mean it hasn't rained, which ia a big plus.  

I have a place at college to go to in a couple of months if want to, I am not too sure what to do about the situation, whether to go or not, I guess it would get me away from the yappy dog.


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