
I have ran out of printer ink today, the stuff is just ridiculously expensive, they are taking the piss.  At least I have learnt how to print bits of pages, which will hopefully reduce the amount of ink I use when printing.  I mainly just print off song lyrics.

Well the vacuum cleaner is still going ok, I did the right thing by sending the other one back, this cleaner is really handy for someone such as me, who has an eyesight problem, as I can look through the crap that is vacuumed up to see if I have picked something I shouldn't have, and also, if I lose something smallish I can use the vacuum cleaner to 'find' it, as it will hopefully pick it up and, I then can look through the crap for it.

I opened a chocolate box today, it was meant for someone else but I will not see them for a while due to circomstances so I opened it and ate some of it myself, its better than it going to waste i guess.


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