
Showing posts from December, 2012


I have ran out of printer ink today, the stuff is just ridiculously expensive, they are taking the piss.  At least I have learnt how to print bits of pages, which will hopefully reduce the amount of ink I use when printing.  I mainly just print off song lyrics. Well the vacuum cleaner is still going ok, I did the right thing by sending the other one back, this cleaner is really handy for someone such as me, who has an eyesight problem, as I can look through the crap that is vacuumed up to see if I have picked something I shouldn't have, and also, if I lose something smallish I can use the vacuum cleaner to 'find' it, as it will hopefully pick it up and, I then can look through the crap for it. I opened a chocolate box today, it was meant for someone else but I will not see them for a while due to circomstances so I opened it and ate some of it myself, its better than it going to waste i guess.

funny what you learn on youtube

I was looking at youtube this morning, mainly in relation to how to use a trekking stick, when I came a across a video, how to tie your walking boot laces, so the boots fit better.  I have new walking boots, but I am bothered about how they tie up.  Anyway I looked at the video but got bored of it, I looked at the other videos on offer and there was one about how to tie you shoes in a better way. I clicked it, and the person started to bang on about how sometimes you tie your shoes or trainer, the classic way, and in about a half an hour or so it starts to unravel, of its own accord.  This rang a bell with me, and listened to video, all way through, it was banging on about tying the laces in a classic way but doubling up on the amount of times you go round, in a part of it.  i tried it, and it works, the laces feel secure and it has not raveled or opened at all, all day.  Its not easy, but I have to the hang of it, and also it opens the usual way.   I have ...


I went for a walk today, when I started it was dry but by the time I got home, I was soaked, I needed to go out as I had been stuck the house for a couple of days or so.  I then went out for lunch. Just been looking at some lost pubs website, and found some pubs which I used to got to but they are no longer there, found a few in Loughborough, I think its sad when these places, which have so much tradition, get knocked down.  There was one pub, just by the flat where I used to live, and had some good times there, they had singers there, it was mainly a locals pub really, it was called the Cherry Tree. I used to go there, on the way home after I had to town for a drink.  I wonder if got taken down, just because it would not change, and after the smoking ban, I guess maybe people did not go out anymore, they drank at home maybe, I don't know.  There was also the Crown and Cushin which has now been changed to something else, I used to go there quite often, as i used to k...


I got a new vacuum cleaner delivered on Thursday, I tried it out and it seemed to cut out and eventually it did not start at all, something to do with heating of it apparently.  Anyway I rang Vax and they gave me some advice, they said to ring Amazon, who said they would deliver a new one, at the end of next week.  I have since tried the cleaner again and it seems fine now, so I rang Amazon to stop the replacement, apparently this is awkward, so we have decided, myself and Amazon, that I should refuse delivery of the machine, and they will then take back, this is fine, as long as i'm here, but I can always leave a note, also I have to be in to give back the the one which is suppose to be broken, or not I guess, I guess I could make sure I'm out so if someone comes to collect the supposedly broken one then I won't be here.  I am not sure why the cleaner is working now and not before, but I guess I have a chance to see if it will be fine, as I have a week before I have...


I have at last have a new door between the kitchen and the rest of the place, now in place, hopefully it will be warmer here now.  The door is in a new position, the hinges have been moved to the other side, the other door was kind of in mid air, this one is a slight improvement, it now needs a coat of paint.  If doesn't get any warmer, at least it will block out the racket the central heating boiler makes.   While the door was being put in, I went off to Caernarfon on the bus to look for a frame for my picture, did not find one though, they are not easy to get it seems, I have made some enquiries on line, you never know, I might yet get one, which would be good. Now I've come home and the phone line is dead, apparently there is fault in the exchange, maybe I should not have bothered reporting the fault, at least I would not get any more of those nuisance calls, from some idiot trying to flog something


I went and did some laundry today, there was not much activity there. While waiting for the bus I noticed the guttering has been ripped down on the bus shelter, kids I guess and they have smashed the bus timetable, though they have left the bus timetable in, which is nice of them. Well I have finally got the letter from the DHSS, and it seems nothing has changed only the name of the benefit which I'm getting, which is good I guess, but I guess I have to be careful, as they are leaving me alone and this could be a bit tricky, as I might stop trying to find work.


I went to the 'last' management committee meeting of the pub tonight, I did not know it was going to be the last until tonight.  Some of the people who were on it have decided, they don't need the input of some of the people who are on it and want to run it their way.  Some rubbish about running it like a business was given as a reason.   Well I guess if they want to run it that way and think they can do it without support then I guess good luck to them, we shall see how far its gets them. I hope they succeed, but I would rather have known about the situation before the evening it was brought up.


I got the files today from the photographer, I hope to print them out and make posters out of them, its not going to be cheap though, the files cost something so does the printing and the framing, but I am sure they will look nice on the walls. I have just tried to see if the pics I bought can be made into posters and they are fine, it all depends on the resolution apparently., I have now ordered a poster, so hopefully there will be a nice sea view on my bleak walls soon. The picture is of one of the files I have chosen, I got them from a website takes photos of the llyn peninsula  

tough going

It has been a long dreary drab Sunday, but I guess I had an idea it would be like that, no football to listen to, and no walk to go on like I had last Sunday.  I have fallen asleep in the chair this afternoon and I guess that will make it awkward when I'm trying to get to sleep this afternoon.   This tinnitus is really bad again, I don't know how much it has affected my hearing.  Sundays are really tough days to deal with, I am not sure why, maybe because there is no decent transport out of there.  I am dreading xmas too, its like a load of Sundays, but at least there is a break this year, xmas eve is on a Monday, so there will be a bus service.  I am still waiting for the bloody benefit thing too, its seems to be taking ages, it might be bad but I guess I want to know either way.