sleep ins

Last night I did a sleep in at the place where I work, I feel like shit today, really washed out as I am not able to get much sleep there. I get paid 25 quid for these sleep ins, which to be honest I don't do very often, for the simple fact I don't like them, and don't feel they are worth 25 quid, they are worth more, as they ruin the day after. I did have some medication which helped me sleep but that has ran out and I am not able to get any more. I guess I don't do that many so I should not complain and it was helping out the other people. One of them did not appreciate the fact that I had come in as he left his shift at 2 pm yesterday and should have been there until 10 last night. If he is not careful he will not have a job there, its pretty cushy there really except for the horrible sleep ins, and perhaps the person who is charge of the project not being very fair with the rota, anyway the company is pretty crap really, though I guess it has given me some money over of the year, it just needs to sort itself out really.


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