long post

I had a bit of a rant this morning to the local counsellor about a nasty incident that took place a while ago, I guess I should let the whole thing pass now really as its getting a bit tedious, and it was a while a go. 

The weather has changed today, its not as nice as it has been, but hopefully the good weather will be back soon.  I am still trying to work out how to get a my jacket fixed the one with tairs in it, maybe I should just throw it away, but the  thing is quite handy.

One thing or a couple of things I would like to throw away are a chair, and an old mattress which I have, the council want 15 quid to take them away but I really don't want to pay that, they will take up to 5 items away for 15 quid, and I will wait until I have got 5 items or find someone to help me get rid of them


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