sad day

Today was the day Gwynedd council killed our village fair in that empty space near the hall is where the annual fair should be, its been held for hundreds of year on novemeber 13th but because of some stupid idiot in the coucil, its not happening this year and probably won't again, something to do with health and safety, there has never been anyone hurt at the fair to my knowledge so I am not sure what they are on about its some jobsworth who has got some authority and its gone to his head I guess some dick head.

Its is ironically one of the most beautiful november the 13 I can remember its a lovely day which makes the whole thing even sadder really these idiots in the council are stealing a living

There is not a lot in this village any more the fair was one of the only occassions where the village socialised and wasn't a dormatory  I have written to the council and they have written back and i find their attitude to be very authoritarian which is not how a county council should behave, they did not consult the local community at all just 'told' it what was happening I get some encouragement regarrding this issue but i need a bit of help if we are to restore the fair next year 

Did the killing of the fair affect the weather, if the fair was on would we still have had a lovely sunny day ..who knows I thought the council had forgot to reply to my but it was in the spam box so I eventually found it a week or so after i\ had sent ming so i will check the spam folder now.


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